Monday, September 28, 2009

So tired today..


owh gosh...I'm so tired today...just got back from Pec Pod Snezka today and I'm just so so tired. It's not so much what I did there, it's more of what's been happening the whole week...phewh~...a good week though...alhamdulillah..

literally, Pec Pod Snezka means "Oven under the Snow"...why it's called that, I have no's a beautiful place though.. reminds me so much of Kinabalu. In fact, actually, anywhere I go reminds me of Kinabalu. Anywhere where there's beautiful nature spread before you. The sun bright in your face, the air so so fresh and the smell oh Subhanallah the smell..the fragrant..owh..heavenly...


yeah...I get like this when it comes to nature. Whenever I get near nature, I would suddenly become extremely quite. I was on the bus just now, and I was thinking the reason of why was I so quiet. I think it's more because, with nature, I tend to internalize the beauty. I don't know if that makes any sense to you guys, but that's the best I could explain it. It's like...when I look at the trees, and being under it's cool shade, and the air when it's so very fresh and the water in the stream, when it's so clear and the sounds of the stream making its way around pebbles and rocks...I don't know...I can't think of anything else you know. My mind just went really quiet and peaceful. And it feels like getting the best present you have ever gotten, a present of beauty unsurpassed by your Lord, your Allah. Subhanallah...Allah The Magnificent...

above, I mentioned Kinabalu. It is a mountain back in my home country. A beautiful tall mountain, the highest peak of Southeast Asia. I actually went there about 3 years ago, in 2006. Went there with some very good friends of mine, about I think 8 or 10 of us. It was an experience of a lifetime. MashaAllah, what you see on top of that mountain is gorgeous. Seriously, I can't describe how so beautiful it is. It's spellbounding. I think if there's no time limit on top of the mount, and if I let myself go, I would be sitting there till I dunno, probably forever. A really really nice place. So nice that I think, I tend to reminiscence or sorta like remember back the place whenever I'm in any natural places. Like for example, in the forest, near rivers, vast open meadows, etcetra.

I used to do a lot these kinda things 3 years back. It was a lot of fun. I had good company. And I loved it. But, not so much these days. I dunno, a lot of the times I went out hiking, or camping or something back then, anytime I came back, it never feels enough or more correctly, something missing is always felt. Like, no matter how much I loved the nature and going exploring in it, it never was able to fill this one space in my heart. And I search for something to fill this one particular emptiness. Almost every month, me and my friends go out to the forest. Or camping or anything like that. But, the happiness was always temporary. And never particularly made me fully comfortable.

Its quite different from what I feel now. I've found the peacefulness that I was searching. It's been there all the time. But, I was too scared to actually delve into it. Fearing the weight that it carries. The no turning back point. Fearing true commitment. And utter letting go. What it is that I've found?

It is the Qur'an. The beautiful book sent down by my Creator, Allah Most Great. The ultimate, real, truest peace anyone can ever find or achieve. The cure to a lonely heart. The peace to a fragile mind, a thundering spirit, a restless ego. I find peace in the Qur'an. I find peace reading its melodious words. I find peace in being near to my Allah. And letting my heart go to Him.

This happened to me and I hope this will encourage anyone who's looking, searching, curious to


Try opening yourself up to the Qur'an..

Letting yourself go and opening up your mind...

It might be foreign terrain, but trust me, it is worth a try.....^_^


Tuesday, September 22, 2009



Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah.

Praises for Allah Most Great for letting me live today. For giving me the time I need to remember Him. For giving me the time I need to catch up.

Praises to Allah for getting me through the exams safely. For keeping my head level and intact. For letting me breath his fresh refreshing air, for expanding my lungs and pumping my blood through my fragile veins.

Praises to Allah for allowing me this time to manage these blogs and continue in my quest for knowledge and sharing knowledge. Praises to Allah for giving me these hands to type and a brain to think and share whatever I can. Praises to Allah. Praises to Allah. Praises to Allah.

I am now in the process of getting myself back on the keyboard to start writing again. I'm trying to plan the best I could for next year's entries. My blog's birthday is coming up soon, so, planning planning planning. Erm, at the moment I'm trying to think of what to write till the birthday come. I had a lot of ideas actually during the summer. But, I should hold back a bit because I was in the middle of studying through my exams. Yes, I had to study during the summer. It was a holiday+study. But, you know, nothing's really a holiday for a khalifah of Allah. It's a work work work all the time.

Another thing, I was attending some programs during the summer that was building my fikrah (thought process / mindset / perspective). So..that was holding me back a bit. I thought I should get my fikrah straight first before I write anything. But after some time, I realized your fikrah grows with you.. and that it's always evolving..

Well, there is a basic fikrah in me right. But I'm not quite sure how to write about it. We'll see..

I've been surfing through the net trying to find the best templates for my blogs. None actually feels quite that right. But, whatever. I hope the ones I've applied is good enough. Templates I find creates a mood for the blog. So, that was what I was trying to reach. But, it's tough. Anyways, these are the best at the moment.